Are you an individual or organization that wants to be part of creating solutions to youth homelessness? There are a number of ways for you to get involved. The most important thing you can do is to not be complacent. We can and must prevent and ultimately end youth homelessness.

- Volunteer: Do you want to volunteer with a local service organization? Contact us so we can connect you with local service providers in your community or region that can put your volunteer efforts to the best possible use.
- Educate: Do you want to arm yourself and others with knowledge about the causes, conditions and solutions to youth homelessness? Check out our Resources page.
- Advocate: Do you have an opportunity to talk to a politician or policy maker? Visit our Resources page and arm yourself with the evidence that can help you advocate for a shift to youth homelessness prevention.
- Join: Do you want to be part of a growing national community of practice focused on eliminating or shortening the amount of time any young person is mired in an emergency situation? Join the National Learning Community on Youth Homelessness.
- Practice Calls: These weekly, one-hour phone/Zoom calls are open to practitioners who provide direct services to young people in Canada. This is a place where service providers can ask for advice, tips, and support about how to deliver services, especially while managing the effects of COVID-19. Sign up here.